I ate local dishes in Kanazawa.
It is onle possible to eat some of them in Kanazawa.
"Deep fried gas shirmp": The name "gas srimp" sounds strange.
I've never heared of gas srimp but it looks the same as shirmp and tastes sweeter than "amaebi."
"Jibuni": "Jibuni" is the most local dish in Kanazawa."Jibuni" is boiled duck "shiitake mushroom" and "fu" is bread-like food made of wheat. It is healty.
I also ate Kaga vegitables by templa. In the castle town of Kanazawa, the Japanese feudal loard are vegetables a long time ago, so Kanazawa has many kind of seasonal vegtables.
Kanazawa also has precious fish called "Nodoguro".
Nodoguro has a black colored throat, so it is named Nodoguro.I ate grilled fish with salt.
They were very tasty, healty and beautiful looking.
I'm interested in learning about local food all over the world.
please tell me about food in your country.
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